Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Letter to the Editor: Corpus Christi Play is Blasphemy

The letter below was sent to the Editor of the San Antonio Express-News last Saturday. It was sent in response to the review promoting the play written by an SA Express-News reporter last Friday . Please help and get involved in the protest against the blasphemous and heretical performance, Corpus Christi, playing at the San Pedro Playhouse. Download, forward, and distribute this flyer, Is Christ the King of Queers?
May we never forget, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
Thanks, God bless, and keep fighting the good fight!
/S/ Phil Sevilla

June 25th, 2011
Letters to the Editor
San Antonio Express-News
Dear Editor,
Regarding Deborah Martin’s review of the "Corpus Christi play* showing at the San Pedro Playhouse: I don't know what "Corpus Christi" play Deborah Martin saw which she says was presented "with sensitivity" and "a clear message of love and acceptance". The play I saw Friday, June 24th, at the San Pedro Playhouse cellar was a distorted view of the bible, blaspheming  the Lord of  Lords and far from being presented with sensitivity. In fact it a terrible attack on the fundamental core beliefs of Christians.

Depicted as the "King of Queers", Joshua/Jesus in the San Pedro production was confused about His divinity and sexuality. This is heresy.  Joshua/Jesus is portrayed as a character revolted by the blind leper seeking healing.  Joshua/Jesus in the play has a sexual encounter with Judas and Satan with open kissing on the stage. The  play is splattered with profanies, scatalogical, and homoerotic language and behavior which I cannot repeat out of respect for your readership's sense of decency. Yes, contrary to what the playwright, director, producers, and actors in the play believe there are community standards of decency that I'm sure most San Antonio residents would agree this infantile and vulgar play violate.

A transsexual actor plays both the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Peter. Mary is portrayed as a domineering ill-tempered mother. The actor portraying Mary can't understand why Joseph objects to her going dancing at night.  St. Joseph's  character is a drunken, profane wife beater who tells the virgin on the night of Christ's birth that he "has needs too" and they should go out and party. He blasphemes God's name as he curses, "God d***  it!" while addressing the Blessed Virgin Mary. The apostle Philip is an AIDS-infected male prostitute (hustler) who in one scene propositions Joshua/Jesus who says he has no money (to pay for Philip's services). The Holy Eucharist is denigrated and mocked during the Last Supper when an apostle giggles, "and this is my gall bladder" after Joshua/Jesus  intones what Catholics solemnly believe are Christ's sacred words of consecration at the very first Christian Mass.

The disjointed script gets worst as the play goes on for almost an agonizing two hours. When Joshua/Jesus is crucified, he is called the "King of Queers". A complete affront to the biblical Christ, the play Corpus Christi is a terrible insult to every Christian who is a taxpayer in San Antonio. The city of San Antonio has provided public funding for  San Pedro Playhouse  operating costs. If they want to continue to show such offensive plays, let the playhouse board try to raise its own funds without using our tax dollars to fund such objectionable productions that mock the divinity of Christ and the fraternal non-sexual character of the friendship between the apostles and Christ. The "Corpus Christi" play deliberately offends the sensibilities and religious beliefs of hundreds of thousands of San Antonio citizens.  

San Pedro Playhouse should not permit such objectionable and blasphemous productions.  MY SA's Deborah Martin should not misrepresent to the public the true nature of this sacrilegious, profane, and vulgar production.

/S/ Philip Sevilla


  1. Let's hope San Antonio Express-News publishes your letter.

  2. Great letter and article. I was pleased that Bishop Cantu and other faith leaders protested the play and the use of taxpayer dollars to support it here in San Antonio. There have been a faithful group protesting by the theatre in San Pedro park but more people need to show their outrage. al

  3. If you could please reply as soon as possible,
    Who/ Which group/ Where did the "Is Christ the King of Queers?" flyer originate from?
