Monday, July 18, 2011

Slouching Towards Homosexual Marriage

In Judge Robert Bork's 1996 book, Slouching towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline, he summarized his book's thesis thus:
“Analysis demonstrates that we continue slouching towards Gomorrah. We are well along the road to the moral chaos that is the end of radical individualism and the tyranny that is the goal of radical egalitarianism. Modern liberalism has corrupted our culture across the board.”
The path to legalize homosexual marriage in America and the certain "moral chaos" that will follow in its wake is set before us. It is coming and it is accelerating like a tsunami. The assault by the network of homosexual change agents and ideologues on military, civil, corporate, and religious institutions that encompass our American polity has been relentless. Concerned possibly by the loss of a powerful ally in the White House after the 2012 elections, they will be more aggressive in pursuing their mission. 
In Texas Governor Rick Perry's 2010 book, Fed Up. Our Fight To Save America From Washington, he predicts that in five years, the "U.S. Supreme Court will rule that it is unconstitutional  to recognize marriage as only between one man and one woman." He's got a point.  Currently there are six states that have granted legal status to same sex marriages: Massachusetts, Vermont, Iowa, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and now, as of July 24th, New York. The District of Columbia permits same sex marriages as well. Thirty states have passed constitutional amendments banning same sex marriages and/or unions.
In 2003, the Supreme Court ruled, 6-3, in Lawrence v. Texas in favor of effectively overturning the 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick that upheld Georgia's sodomy law. Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Catholic from Sacramento, wrote for the majority that homosexual sodomy was protected by the same "right to privacy" created in Griswald v.Connecticut which legalized contraception. Further, the majority said that "the moral opposition by a majority of voters is not sufficient reason for outlawing consensual sex between same-sex individuals." (Scalia Dissents, Regnery Press (2004), p. 281)
Well, if the majority view of voters is not sufficient reason for outlawing sodomy, then why should same sex marriage be outlawed by the states? Justice Kennedy is called the most powerful vote on the Supreme Court because he often breaks the 4 to 4 deadlock between the strict constitutionalists whom we see as the conservative wing (Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito) and the other four who see the constitution as silly putty in their hands. Kennedy is a wild card and considering he has liberally expressed his thoughts forcefully in Lawrence, don't take a bet that he will defend traditional marriage when it comes up before the court. It may be sooner rather than later as Gov. Perry warns.
It is highly probable that two SCOTUS justices will leave the court in the next five years - Ginsberg and Scalia. Ginsberg is ailing and Scalia has talked about retiring.
Deja Vu: Abortion and Homosexual Jurisprudence
Before 1973 when the 7-2 Supreme Court ruling found a legitimate right to abortion in Roe v. Wade, there was a patchwork of state laws that banned or restricted abortion. 1967 was the year when the American Medical Association (AMA) and the first states starting with Colorado moved to legitimize child killing, and that first crack in the dam then broke six years later in 1973 with the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the "twisted sisters" abortion cases.
It appears the same trend is happening with same sex marriage. SCOTUS expressly overturned Bowers in the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas case. Since then six states plus D.C. have legalized homosexual marriage. Obama's Justice Department has now openly attacked DOMA. The Attorney General's staff argues in summary in their July 1st, 2011 brief filed before the U.S. District Court in Northern California:
"Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, 1 U.S.C. 7 ("DOMA"), unconstitutionally discriminates. It treats same-sex couples who are legally married under their states' laws differently than similarly situated opposite-sex couples, denying them the status, recognition, and insignificant federal benefits otherwise available to married persons."
The agenda is clear to anyone with eyes to see.
Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York with a heavy heart in the aftermath of the “marriage equality” bill passed into law in his state:
“Almost two weeks ago — hauntingly, on the Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist, whom King Herod would behead because the saint dared to defend the God-given truth about marriage — our state sadly attempted a re-definition of marriage…
“We continue to hold fast to the God-given definition of marriage, and acknowledge that no unfortunate legislative attempt can alter reality and morality.  Yes, we have a big catechetical challenge, in that we have to admit that quite a few people no longer hold to this timeless moral truth…
“We acknowledge that, as St. Augustine taught, if something is wrong, even if everybody else is doing it, it’s still wrong; and, if something is right, even if nobody else is doing it anymore, it’s still right.  Like St. Thomas More, we’re willing to take the heat and even lose our head from following a conscience properly formed by God’s revelation and the teaching of His Church, even if it is politically incorrect, and clashes with the King’s demands to re-define marriage.”
Bishop Thomas Tobin, Ordinary of Providence, Rhode Island, had sage advice to members of his flock to distance themselves from “gay” civil ceremonies:
 “The concept of civil unions is a social experiment that promotes an immoral lifestyle, is a mockery of the institution of marriage as designed by God, undermines the well-being of our families, and poses a threat to religious liberties… the Church continues to have respect and love for persons with same-sex attraction… extend our love and support to families of homosexual persons who sometimes struggle with this difficult emotional issue.”
“At the same time, the Church reminds its members that homosexual activity is contrary to the natural law and the will of God and, therefore, is objectively sinful. Persons with same-sex attraction are required to live the Christian virtues of chastity and modesty, as all persons are. The importance of these virtues is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures and in the constant tradition of the Church.
“Because civil unions promote an unacceptable lifestyle, undermine the faith of the Church on holy matrimony, and cause scandal and confusion, Catholics may not participate in civil unions. To do so is a very grave violation of the moral law and, thus, seriously sinful. A civil union can never be accepted as a legitimate alternative to matrimony.
“Can there be any doubt that Almighty God will, in His own time and way, pass judgment upon our state, its leaders and citizens, for abandoning His commands and embracing public immorality? I encourage Catholics to pray for God’s patience, mercy and forgiveness in these distressing times.”
So we soldier on….
We Catholics who adhere to and joyfully embrace the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church know marriage is more than a legal contract, more than an artificial civil construct of the state. It is a sacred and holy sacrament.
“The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1601)
Let us continue to hold firm to the teachings of the Church especially on matters of sexual ethics and to  show not only a good example to our brethren but also to tirelessly proclaim and defend the truth.

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