In the U.S. Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston early this year similarly reversed a decision by a local elementary school that denied admittance to a child in the same circumstances and his office published norms against "discrimination". The Cardinal wrote that “(w)hile there are legitimate reasons that might lead to a decision not to admit a child, I believe all would agree that the good of the child must always be our primary concern”.
However Archbishop Charles Chaput in 2010 before his transfer to Philadelphia earlier this year declared as the Ordinary of Denver that a local Catholic grade school was correct in directing a lesbian couple to enroll two children in their household somewhere else when their relationship came to light. Archbishop Chaput was direct and forthright, clarifying his position in the diocesan paper. He wrote, “Most parents who send their children to Catholic schools want an environment where the Catholic faith is fully taught and practiced. That simply can’t be done if teachers need to worry about wounding the feelings of their students or about alienating students from their parents".
Archbishop Chaput concluded that when guardians and parents oppose the Church’s teachings the situation puts “unfair stress on the children, who find themselves caught in the middle, and on their teachers, who have an obligation to teach the authentic faith of the Church.”
What possible motive could a homosexual couple have to put their child in a Catholic school, considering their disordered view of human sexuality is not in accord with Catholic moral doctrine on sexual ethics? I would venture the following possibilities:
- They genuinely desire a good education for their child, considering parochial and religious-based private schools are widely known to provide higher academic standards compared to government-run public schools;
- They are testing what they perceive is a discriminatory system, expecting the school will deny their child entry which would precipitate on their part a lawsuit and/or appeal to higher authority within the Church hierarchy and civil authorities;
- They are executing a planned attack on the Catholic school system and Catholic sexual mores hoping to set ablaze a widespread protest fueled by allies in the media against the Church and Catholic schools. (This attack on religious schools is not unique. It's quite common in states like California);
- They are acting out what active homosexuals share in common - the desire to gain acceptance for their "cause" and what they perceive is an affront to their "civil liberties". Their objective then is to challenge society to accept their sexual deviancy and perversion as moral and good and they do this by causing public scandal, shamelessly depicting themselves as VICTIMS of "homophobic" and patriarchal institutions and an unjust social order. One thing for sure, homosexual activists love drama, street theater, and confrontation.
Why expose their child to intense emotional conflict, what social scientists call the anguish of "cognitive dissonance", where the child sees the incompatibility between what he or she learns in a disordered home with a homosexual couple ruling the roost and what is taught at Catholic school about the Creator and the order of creation and nature that is at the root of Judeo-Christian teaching about the dignity of the human person who is made in the image of God?
But then again the homosexual couple's purpose may not be so altruistic.The child could be seen as a tool, a pawn to advance their socio-political cause to turn society upside down to conform to their acceptance of Kinseyian sexuality (pedophile sexologist Alfred Kinsey). This is in keeping with the homosexual movement's relentless push within civic and private institutions for legalization and religious and social acceptance of sodomy.
What is to be said about a Catholic bishop who cannot defend the Catholic school's refusal to accept a child being reared in a household with active homosexual guardians? Has he counseled the same sex couple to leave the sinful lifestyle of cohabitating homosexuals, imploring them to do what is not only in their own best interest spiritually and biologically but also what is best for the child living in their household? Has he gained their acceptance that the child will receive the same religious instruction in the faith at the school without exception, with the understanding that because the religious education at the school does not conform to their religious values, then much harm - psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually - would most probably be the outcome for the child?
If the bishop has not made this effort as a shepherd of the Church or if the couple after receiving counseling rejected his advice and in the aftermath, he mandates that his diocesan schools must accept children from homosexual-led homes, then, in this writer's opinion, at the very least, the bishop has made himself a willing "useful idiot" and ally of the homosexual movement and is undermining the principles and doctrines of the Church. A serious reading of Mark 9:42 would recommend the Bishop's prudence and fortitude in this matter when considering the scandal caused to the body of Christ and, closer to home, the school community - teachers, administrators, students and their parents. Vatican authorities should be alerted for assistance to correct the scandal in the bishop's diocese.
/S/ Phil Sevilla
December 15th, 2012
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